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Archive FASC History

Former ICL Site > ICL Website till mid-2023 > ICL in the Past > Archives

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The Federation of Anglo-Swiss Clubs – FASC for short – was the umbrella organization for Anglo-Swiss and English-speaking clubs all over Switzerland from 1932 to 202

At the presidents' meeting on October 10, 2020 in Zürich, the representants of the anglo-swiss clubs of Switzerland voted to discontinue having a head organization that unites the anglo-swiss associations of Switzerland.

The decision to disontinue FASC was made after years of reflexion. Over the past decade at least, all member clubs noticed a continuing reduction in their membership and a steady increase of the average age of their members. It was for this reason that it became no longer possible for FASC to function as a liaison with foreign diplomatic representatives in Switzerland and to organize events as it did in the past.

After dissolution of the Federation, all documents kept and still available pertaining to the past were collected and sorted. In 2021 they were then brought to the Schweizerische Bundesarchiv (Federal Archive) in Bern for safeguarding. You can check
at the link below for the FASC. To view documents, it is necessary to register and identify yourself.

Archive :    
LINK        To obtain digital copies:  LINK

Some documents that are part of those deposited in Bern, can be consulted through the link below.
They give information about the history and various activites  of the Federation since its founding days in 1932 to 1996.

History :    

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